Noble Red Oxblood Coral at LaNae Fine Jewelry in Vail All Entries

Hi Everyone –
Today’s post is intended to give you a deeper understanding of
coral and how to shop as a conscious buyer.
This will also help you to understand the drastic price differences in “coral”
jewelry found on the web. Coral, as most
are aware is a precious commodity of our oceans and removal of coral has been
completely banned. Buying coral randomly
and not asking the appropriate questions may have you inadvertently contributing
to the loss of this precious treasure of our oceans. The first thing to ask when shopping for coral,
or in this case, Oxblood coral, is" when was it pulled from the ocean". Sometimes jewelers use vintage to denote this
– not vintage as it’s been worn before but vintage to convey the age of the
coral. Avoid at all costs purchasing
coral less than 20 years old, as with wine the older the vintage the rarer and
the same applies to coral. In the case
of this stranded necklace and earrings, this coral was pulled over 90 years
The other aspect about determining rareness of coral is the
type. Oxblood, Red or sometimes called
Noble coral comes from the sea specifically around Italy. There are many different types of coral found
all over the world but Oxblood and specifically the deeper the red coloring in this
type is the most sought after.
Hopefully this post gave you a greater appreciation for beautiful
Oxblood Coral which will only appreciate with time.